Adult Catechesis at Grace
Want to know more?
Interested in joining the parish?
Desire to grow in your faith?
Join us Wednesdays at 7pm for Adult Catechesis (that means "instruction")
We will learn about how our faith is lived and expressed by using the Church's expression of it --the liturgy.
When: October 2 - December 11 (ten weeks) 7pm-8pm
Who: Everyone new to Grace
Where: Knippa Hall (enter through the West parking lot door if parking allows)
Why: Learn more about the Christian faith, our Lutheran doctrine and our historic worship. Even long-time Lutherans will learn new things!
What if I don't want to join after the classes?
You don't have to! But we would love to have you join us and help with questions.
What if I can't make it to all the weeks?
I can share the presentation with you and fill you in individually. Come as often as you can.
What if I have already gone through Catechesis as an Adult? Or as a kid?Can't I just transfer my membership?
You can certainly transfer your membership! But we still would like you to join us. It is a good refresher, it is good to meet other newer attenders, and frankly, we do things different here and it's good to know why!
Wednesdays are bad for me! Will there be a different time offered in the future?
Yes! But please call Pr. Hall to help him coordinate the next class.
Do I have to come to Grace Night meal? Worship?
Ah, good question! The meal is from 5:45-6:30pm. Worship is 6:30-7:00pm. While fellowship is important, and worshiping together is kind of the main reason to join, if your schedule doesn't allow it, then join us for what you can! You are welcome to just attend the class if that's all you are able to do.
Is this different than Pastor's Class on Sunday mornings?
Yes. Those classes on Sundays provider a deeper look at various topics and books of the Bible. This class is centered on things to know and do to be formed in the faith and join the congregation.
Do I need to RSVP? Can I invite a friend?
No RSVP is required, and please invite a friend (or two or three)!