St. Andrew Society of Grace Lutheran Church
Est. 2019

The St. Andrew Society is a group dedicated to serving the Church as committed lay members helping the congregation perform the Divine liturgy and other worship services. Society members serve as Crucifer, Gospel Bearers, Torch Bearers, Communion Assistants and young leaders in the congregation.
The Society is named after St. Andrew the Apostle, who first met Jesus and brought his brother Peter to meet Him. At the feeding of the 5,000 St. Andrew brought the bread to Jesus so that He could multiply it. On another occasion, he brought a group of Greeks to Jesus and so is considered the first missionary. After Jesus’ Ascension, St. Andrew proclaimed the Gospel in Macedonia, where he was eventually martyred for his faith. He remains an example and inspiration in evangelism and missions, especially in the service of the Church and its worship. Society of St. Andrew members follow this example by showing people Jesus in the context of our worship.
Members will serve in their position as assigned. If they cannot serve on the assigned day, they are responsible for finding a member to take their place.
Members are expected to serve in an emergency at services they are already attending. If called to serve, they will follow the example of St. Andrew by “dropping their nets and following Jesus.”
Members will arrive ten minutes early to vest and prepare for the worship service. They will also assist younger members or other non-member servers who are helping on the occasion.
Members will commit for one year term. After each year, members will inform the Pastor of their desire to remain in the society. Membership is a privilege and will be renewed if requirements and expectations are met.
Members will participate fully in the liturgy, even when not serving.
Members will strive to be good examples of Christian living at all times.
Members will strive to recruit others as they are able.
Members will help at biannual Altar Guild Work Days if school commitments allow.
Members will attend rehearsals before complicated liturgies (i.e., Vigil of Easter, Christmas Eve, etc.)
Members will attend meetings two to four times a year for training, learning, fellowship, and fun.
Beyond the joy of volunteering and Christian service, membership in the Society affords benefits for the youth of the parish.
Members will be publicly acknowledged and blessed yearly in the Divine Service.
Members will receive a certificate of service upon installation in the Society
Members will receive volunteer service hours for all assigned liturgies and meetings attended.
Members in confirmation and GLY will receive extra incentive points for joining.
Members will be invited to annual parties and receive recognition gifts.
Behavioral Expectations while serving
Members are expected to serve attentively and respectfully
Appropriate dress is required. Closed toed shoes must be worn. Gym shoes must be clean and either white, black, or muted colors. No flip flops are allowed.
Boys must wear long pants. Exceptions can be made in the summer.
There is no food or drink allowed in the nave. This includes gum.
Proper ceremony, movement and tasks will be followed. If you have trouble remembering what to do, the Pastor or Lay Assistant will help you. Mistakes are always allowed, but disrespect is not.
Proper vestments will be worn, including gloves as directed by the Pastor.
Details of performing each position will be provided as part of the membership packet. Video demonstrations will be available online as we