Questions about Grace Lutheran Youth (GLY)? Please contact our Youth Director, Josh Craig, at youth@glctulsa.org.
Upcoming Youth Events
Sunday School
Sunday School is for all youth, 6th grade through 12th grade. They are educated in grade level classes (6th-8th grade → Junior Youth and 9th-12th grade → Senior Youth) from 10:00 - 10:45 AM. The Youth classes use the Enduring Faith curriculum from Concordia Publishing House to study the Bible while always taking time to answer questions raised by the youth themselves. All Youth are expected to bring their Bibles to class.
Grace Night (Wednesday)
Grace Lutheran Church provides another education opportunity for our Youth in the basement during Grace Night. This time is characterized by a short devotion from the Hymnal followed by a longer period of fellowship and fun. Discussion during the devotion is based on youth engagement rather than lecture teaching.
If your family is interested in Confirmation or becoming a member of Grace Lutheran Church, please contact our Senior Pastor.
Youth Events
The Oklahoma District and/or the Youth Director of Grace Lutheran Church organize Youth Events such as the Christmas Party or the President’s Day Lock-in. The purpose of these youth events is to provide an opportunity for faith, fun, and fellowship as a group with both Senior and Junior youth. These events take various forms and are scattered throughout the year.
Youth Board Events
Coming Soon!!!
Youth Gatherings & Fundraisers
Grace Lutheran Church offers the opportunity and partially offsets the costs for all GLY members and their friends to attend several retreats, conferences, and gatherings including the District and Synod Gatherings as well as Higher Things Conferences. In order to help offset the costs, there are several fundraisers throughout each year including, Trivia Night in October, the Sweetheart Dinner in February, Flower Sales in Spring, Bob Ross Painting in April, and a Car Wash in June.
Beyond Reasonable Doubt
JULY 18-21, 2023
Doubt. We confess to being poor miserable sinners every week but it can be hard to confess to wondering if there’s even a God who exists to listen at all. Doubt crept into the apostles’ hearts but we’re afraid of what it means if we find it in our own. The devil sets a trap to leave you feeling alone, cut off from the Christians around you who don’t seem to struggle like you. What if it’s not real?
Jesus isn’t just some guy. He died and then didn’t stay dead. That’s our hope. You can even prove it. God gives us verifiable scripture that can be traced and upheld through history. You just can’t by your own reason or strength believe it. So He speaks to us, doubting hearts and minds that can’t quite help but question.
The same thing is the core of our hope and our worldview: the resurrection. Because it’s real. The gospel proclaimed by the Spirit to our hearts is something God dares us to question with our minds. If Christ has not been raised from the dead, we are above all to be pitied. So test it. There is evidence. This is the defense of the faith that defends you. It’s called “apologetics.” Your hope is rooted in a historic event, not in your own reason and strength.
O Ye of little faith, why did you doubt? It isn’t a challenge. It’s a call to be the one Jesus pulls from sinking waters. Like Peter. This is where you start to find your identity and belonging. You’re not cut off from Christ in this doubt…If you must doubt, doubt boldly.
In the summer of 2023 we’ll tackle a faith that isn’t a fairytale, and we’ll prove it. Beyond Reasonable Doubt.