Fasting Guidelines

Fasting used to be a regular practice among Jews in Jesus' day, and among Christians every since. Lutherans didn't emphasize it as much, and consequently, it has fallen out of practice for us. But Jesus taught us about it and generations of Christians have found great comfort, help, and spiritual growth through it.

Grace produces a Fasting Guideline every Lent, and the full guide can be downloaded by HERE.

The fasting tradition for Lent is:


Fast                     Limiting the quantity of food.  On fasting days up to two ¼ meals are allowed, and one regular meal in the evening.
Abstain              abstaining from

animal meat (fish and seafood is acceptable);
wine & alcohol (beer is acceptable)


Abstinence:        No meat (except fish & seafood) Ash Wednesday and all Fridays
Fasting:                One full meal (and up to two ¼ meals) every day except Sundays
Special:                Abstain & Fast on Ember Days (First Wednesday, Friday & Saturday in Lent) -  March 5,7,8 in 2025
Exceptions:          Sundays in Lent, March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day), March 25 (The Annunciation) unless it is during Holy Week